The Multi Orgasmic Man

The Multi Orgasmic Man

Note: This article isn’t just for men; It is good for the opposite sex to understand how their partner can experience non-ejaculatory, multiple orgasms. 

In western society It is quite taboo to talk about sexuality openly, however I hope this article helps you find a way to be more sexually satisfied.

I’ve known about the male multiple orgasm for a while, but I never really understood it… My journey into this subject began when I started to notice that after I had ejaculated, I felt as if my energy was depleted…

I also noted that this feeling would be more significant if I ejaculated more regularly.

The area I felt this the most was from my Muladhara and Svadhistana chakra; also known as the root and sex chakra…

As I investigated and played with this concept, I decided to experiment a little.

At first I started out by abstaining from masturbating all together. I would manage to last a month, two at most then I would either give in to the desires or have an unintentional wet dream.

My energy during these times didn’t seem to improve that much, so I decided to engage in sexual activities when it felt right.

About a year later during a time of study I came across Tantra and Sexual Kung Fu. This was when it all started making sense to me. They discuss various topics such as having sex for hours on end, refraining from ejaculation, and indulging in multiple orgasms for minutes on end.

In sexual kung fu I found it amazing that they promoted daily masturbation (unlike in western culture where it’s frowned upon).

You are taught how control when you ejaculate, essentially learning how to separate your orgasm from your ejaculation.

Through certain breathing techniques and muscle contractions, you are able to cultivate your Chi or sexual energy. Instead of losing all of this energy out of your Root chakra, you build and circulate it within, saving it for later.

The trickiest part for me to wrap my head around was separating the orgasm and the ejaculation. In western culture it’s uncommon to have any sexual encounter and not ejaculate.

As men age it takes longer and longer for them to reproduce semen. For new semen to form it has to be extracted from every cell of the body, that’s why when most men have a sexual encounter, they fall straight to sleep.

This allows the body to enter into a theta state and repopulate the tadpoles.

The technique that made whole process click, was the microcosmic orbit breathing technique. Here’s a video that explains it well.Figure-9-Micro-Cosmic-Orbit-governing-and-Conception-vessesl

Master Mantak Chia –

By no means am I suggesting that you abstain from ejaculation, or should you feel guilty when you do.

When you first begin to practice these techniques you are going to ejaculate whether you like it or not. When this does happen, try to lay back and enjoy the experience.

Master Mantak Chia, one of the pioneers of this concept gives a rough guideline for how often you should ejaculate. For teenagers every day, 20 year olds every few days, once a week for 30s, once every two weeks for 40s, once a month for 50s and then no ejaculation 60+.

For me personally and for anybody who wants to further their spiritual growth, then you should learn to expel your semen only when making a baby. This technique however is advanced and takes a lot of practice so I suggest practice, meditation and study!

Some techniques that will assist you in separating your ejaculation from your orgasm; thus allowing you to experience multiple orgasms, higher levels of energy and longevity are:

  1. Microcosmic orbit – Master Mantak Chia:
  2. Perineum (PC) Muscle Exercises. Master Mantak Chia:
  1. Introduction to Tantric Sex – Jason Milne:

And here are two great books I recommend:

The Multi Orgasmic Man


If you have any questions message me on the contact page, there you will be able to find my email and other details. This article today is just scraping the surface on the topic of male multiple orgasms, and I plan to discuss it further in the future.

With topics such as the power of the Kechari Mudra (tongue lock) and strengthening the Mula Bandha (pc muscle), which in turn will promote a healthy prostate gland.

These techniques have changed my life, I now have more control over my sexual desires and the freedom to choose whether I want to ejaculate or not.

Plus I don’t get that empty feeling that I used to get after climaxing. After I finish practicing I feel energised, clear headed and ready to take on whatever my day requires.

I wish you all the best on your journey and I hope you give some of these exercises a try.

Wholeness, balance and vibrations.

Alistair Rhind 🙂
