Homeopathy For Chronic Illness

Homeopathy For Chronic Illness

If you have a chronic illness, homeopathy may be the answer for you! Learn about the philosophy behind it and how to use it as part of your treatment protocol.

If you have been diagnosed with a chronic illness, you may be feeling overwhelmed and unsure of where to turn for help. Traditional medicine can be effective in managing symptoms, but it often falls short when it comes to treating the underlying causes of disease.

However, there is another option that you may not have considered: homeopathy. It’s a branch of medicine that takes a holistic approach to healing, targeting not only the physical symptoms but also the emotional and mental roots of disease.

In this post we will discuss what homeopathy is, where it came from and how it can benefit your life!

What Is Homeopathy?

Homeopathy, also known as homeopathic medicine, is a system of medicine that takes a holistic approach to the treatment of patients. Homeopaths believe that the body can heal itself, and that symptoms are simply the manifestations of an underlying imbalance.

To restore balance and promote healing, homeopaths use a variety of techniques, including constitutional treatment, individualised remedies, and lifestyle counselling.

It’s based on the principle of “like cures like,” which means that a substance that causes certain symptoms in a healthy person can be used to treat those same symptoms in a sick person.

Homeopathic remedies are derived from plant, mineral, and animal sources, and are prepared using a process of dilution and succussion. This therapy is used by millions of people around the world and is recognised by the World Health Organisation as a valid form of medical treatment.


The basic principle of homeopathy is “like cures like.” was first codified by German physician Dr. C. F. Samuel Hahnemann in the early 1800s.

Hahnemann developed his system of medicine by conducting experiments (called provings) on himself and on healthy volunteers (called provers). He would administer a medicinal substance to the provers and then observe the symptoms that developed. From these experiments, he was able to develop a picture of the symptom profiles associated with each remedy.

By 1900 there were 22 homeopathic medical schools, more than 100 homeopathic hospitals, over 60 orphan asylums and old people’s homes, and 1,000+ homeopathic pharmacies in the U.S. These numbers however do not completely provide an accurate account of the impact homeopathy had on American life.

Over the years, homeopathic remedies have been further refined through additional provings and clinical experience. Today, homeopathy is used by millions of people around the world for a wide variety of conditions.

DIfferent Principles

The guiding principle of homeopathy is that “like heals like.” In other words, a substance that causes symptoms in a healthy person can be used to treat those same symptoms in a sick person. This principle is based on the theory that the body has an innate ability to heal itself, and that homeopathic remedies simply stimulate this process.

The second principle of homeopathy is the minimum dose. This principle states that the lower the dose of a remedy, the more effective it will be. The reason for this is that homeopathic remedies are meant to stimulate the body’s healing response, and too high of a dose can overwhelm the body’s ability to respond.

The third principle of homeopathy is the single remedy. This principle states that only one homeopathic remedy should be used at a time. It is believed that using multiple remedies can confuse the body’s healing response and delay recovery.

Homeopathic medicine is divided into two main categories: acute and chronic. Acute conditions are those that come on suddenly and are usually self-limiting, meaning they will resolve on their own with no intervention.

Chronic conditions, on the other hand, are long-standing and often require ongoing treatment. Homeopathy can be used to treat both acute and chronic conditions.

Who Is It For? 

The remedies are made from natural substances such as plants and minerals, and they are often taken in the form of pills or liquids.

It’s safe for people of all ages, including babies and pregnant women. It is also considered to be gentle and non-toxic. Because homeopathic remedies are individualised to each person’s unique set of symptoms, they are thought to be very effective. For these reasons, homeopathy is often used as a complementary or alternative treatment for various conditions.

It can be used for a wide variety of conditions, including allergies, anxiety, arthritis, asthma, colds, headaches, and depression. Homeopathy is considered safe for both adults and children. It is important to consult with a homeopathic doctor or practitioner before taking any homeopathic remedy.

How It Helped Me!

Homeopathic treatment unfortunately didn’t cure my Irritable Bowel Syndrome and other ailments, but it sure helped! At a time when I couldn’t go to the toilet and was in agony with pain, it was one of the few things that helped.

I would say it helped treat the symptoms while I find the root cause. I still keep homeopathic medicine on hand just in case I have a severe bout of IBS-C.

It is amazing how such a little thing could help so much! When nothing else was working, homeopathy provided me with relief. Homeopathy is truly wonderful and whilst it didn’t cure my ailments, it certainly helped me through a tough time. Thank you homeopathy!

Recommended Practitioners

Dr Amit Mishra – Amit Mishra has completed his five and a half years bachelor degree in Homeopathy Medicine and Surgery from Nagpur University, India, in 2003. His bachelor degree involves all the medical subjects such as Anatomy, Physiology, Gyanec & Obs, Pathology, Preventive and Social Medicine, Microbiology, Medicine, etc.

Carolyn from Noosa Homeopathic, Carolyn has an Advanced Diploma of Homoeopathy, is a member of AROH (Australian Register of Homoeopaths), a Professional Member of the Australian Homoeopathic Association, a Certificate IV Workplace Trainer and Assessor, and a qualified Remedial Massage Therapist.


In summary, homeopathy is an established therapy, and if you are suffering from any chronic ailment be sure to give it a try!

Homeopathic medicines are programs of care that involve the use of plant, animal, and mineral substances in a minute, highly diluted doses.

They are regulated by the FDA and are made under strict manufacturing guidelines. Homeopathy is not only effective but also economical as well. Most medicines used in homeopathy cost very little and are safe for long-term use without any side effects.

With its wide range of applications, homeopathy is surely worth giving a shot!

Alistair Rhind 🙂
