
Welcome to My Guide To Self Blog and Health Coaching Services.

My name is Alistair Rhind and i’m excited to share my knowledge about healing chronic illness and improving financial situations on this website.

I have years of experience on personal development, from shamanism to yoga, and trying different types of diets. 

I’m confident in my ability to provide helpful tips and tricks to improve your health and finances based on my experiences!

Be sure to explore the menu options to find the information you’re looking for. Stay tuned for new content and services that will be coming soon!


Alistair Rhind is an Australian-born writer, entrepreneur, and self-proclaimed “healing junkie.” After being diagnosed with various ailments such as SIBO, IBS, Leaky Gut, and Narcolepsy, he began experimenting with different healing modalities like meditation, yoga, fasting, and different diets.

Though his journey hasn’t been easy, he’s happy to share his successes in the hopes of helping others. His blog is a way for him to share his story and connect with like-minded individuals.

On the website, visitors can find blog posts, social media links, YouTube videos, and recommended reading. Whether you’re struggling with your health issues or are just looking for someone to relate to, Alistair Rhind’s website is a great resource!

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