9 Pillars Of Success For Men

9 Pillars Of Success For Men

There are many definitions of success. But what does it mean to be successful? If you want to achieve success in life, then you need the right mindset, lifestyle and tools. Find out how with this article from my guide to self!

Success is something that we all strive for. But what does it mean to be successful? The definition of success has changed over time and continues to evolve as our world changes. In this modern age, the lines between what is traditionally considered “male” and “female” are becoming blurred. Equality sounds like a great thing, but it is having detrimental effects on male and female dynamics.

This move away from traditional values toward modernism is making men more like females and females more like men. In this article, I will go over 9 traditional pillars to success for men in this modern era!

1. Lifestyle

A man’s appearance is often seen as a reflection of his success. A well-groomed man is generally seen as more successful, confident, and reliable than someone who doesn’t take care of his appearance.

This can be applied to teeth hygiene, skincare, fresh haircut and a sense of style.  White teeth shows that you take care of your hygiene and are committed to your health. Skincare is also essential for a well-groomed lifestyle. Taking care of your skin shows that you are invested in your appearance and want to look your best.

Having a good haircut is also important for a well-groomed appearance. A well-cut hairstyle can make you look polished and professional. Finally, personal style is important for a well-groomed lifestyle. Your clothing choices should reflect your sense of style and make you feel confident.

By paying attention to these key pillars of a well-groomed lifestyle, you can ensure that you always look your best.

2. Relationship

Relationships are built on a foundation of trust and mutual respect. However, many men find it difficult to build such relationships with women. One reason for this is that they lack confidence when speaking to women. Fortunately, there are a few things that men can do to build up their confidence.

First, they should focus on building themselves up in all the other pillars of their life. When they have a strong foundation in other areas, they will be less likely to chase after women and more likely to attract them instead.

Second, they should learn some basic game when it comes to interacting with women. This will help them to avoid coming across as needy or desperate.

Thirdly, they should remember that relationships take time to develop and should not be focused on marriage until they are 35 or older. By following these tips, men can build the confidence they need to approach women and develop successful relationships with them.

Furthermore, networking is an important type of relationship for a successful man. It provides opportunities and connections that can lead to success. When you get to a certain level in business it becomes less about what you know and who you know, remember your network is your net worth.

Lastly, successful men have always had close friends. Aristotle wrote that “friendship is the strongest of all pillars that support a society.” He saw friendship as indispensable to a good life, and his view has been echoed by many other thinkers throughout history.

3. Purpose

Successful men have a sense of purpose. They know where they are going and how they are going to get there. This focus allows them to achieve their goals and build the life they want.

Women are attracted to men with a sense of purpose because it shows that they are driven and ambitious. A man who is focused on his purpose is also more likely to be successful in other areas of his life, such as his career.

Successful men understand that their purpose is the foundation upon which their life is built. It is the cornerstone upon which their success rests. When a man is clear about his purpose, everything else falls into place. These men are not afraid to go after what they want. They are confident and pursue their dreams with determination.

Women are attracted to these qualities because they show that a man can handle challenges and adversity. A man who is focused on his purpose is also more likely to be a good provider and protector.

Successful men understand that their purpose is the foundation upon which their life is built. It is the cornerstone upon which their success rests. When a man is clear about his purpose, everything else falls into place.

4. Financial

The ability to achieve financial freedom is something that many people strive for. There are several ways to achieve this goal, one of the most common is to invest in finite assets such as real estate, cryptocurrencies, and gold and silver.

Another way to achieve financial freedom is to learn how to swing trade forex, stocks, or crypto part-time while working a full-time job.

However, the most important aspect of achieving financial freedom is to have a clear goal in mind. For example, if you want to earn $100,000 per month, you need to be clear about what that entails.

Once you have a clear goal in mind, you can begin to work towards it more systematically. Several pillars need to be in place to achieve financial freedom, but by having a clear goal and working towards it systematically, anyone can achieve this goal. Success is not guaranteed, but it is certainly achievable with the right mindset and approach.

5.  Being Of Service

Success is not a destination. It’s a journey. A journey that is best navigated with the help of others. That’s why one of the pillars of success is being of service.

Helping others to start their journey of personal development is one of the most rewarding things you can do. It not only makes the world a better place, but it also helps you to develop as a person.

When you see successful men, you will often find that they are also men who are of service. They have taken the time to give back and help others. So if you want to be successful, make being of service part of your journey. You’ll be glad you did.

6. Health

Life isn’t just about making money or having a high-powered job. It’s also about having a healthy body and mind. That’s why it’s important to include health and wellness as one of your pillars.

There are many ways to achieve health and wellness, but some of the most effective include meditation, silent prayer, and exercising. By taking care of your body and mind, you’ll be able to better handle the stressors of life and be more successful in all areas of your life.

In addition, drinking purified water is a must! It will help to flush out toxins and impurities. By following these simple steps, you can improve your chances of achieving success in all areas of life.

7. Higher Power

Our status in life is often measured by external standards- how much money we make, what kind of car we drive, or the size of our house. But what if success was measured by internal standards? How connected we are to our purpose, how loving we are, or how close we are to God? Life would then look very different.

So how can we achieve this internal Success? By connecting with a higher power. This can be done through Vipassana meditation, Ayahuasca ceremonies, or simply finding a way to connect with God that works for you.

The important thing is that you begin to build a relationship with the creator, the Universe, or whatever you believe in. As you do this, you will start to see success in all areas of your life. Money, relationships, health- all of it will improve because you are tapping into a higher power.

So if you want to experience true success, start by building a connection with a higher power. It is one of the pillars of success. And it is something that all successful men have in common.

8. Family 

A legacy is not simply something we leave behind when we die. It is something we build throughout our lives. It is the total of our actions, our values, and our beliefs. And it is something we pass down to future generations. A legacy is a foundation upon which our children and grandchildren will build their lives. It’s a gift we give to those who come after us.

Our legacy is the embodiment of our hope for the future. It is the expression of our faith in the next generation. It is a statement of our belief in the power of family. We leave our legacy to those we love because we want them to have a better life than we did. We want them to be happy and successful. We want them to know that they are loved and that they belong to something larger than themselves.

Legacy is the foundation of our family. It is one of the pillars upon which our lives are built. As men, we have a responsibility to ourselves and to our families to build a legacy that will make us proud. Our legacy is our gift to those who come after us. It is an expression of our love for them and our faith in their ability to build a better future.

9. Knowledge

Most people would agree that knowledge is important for success. It is one of the pillars upon which successful men have built their careers. But what exactly is knowledge? It can be defined as a collection of facts, or it can be gnosis, which is knowledge through direct experience.

Applied knowledge is also important, which is the kind of knowledge that you use in your everyday life.

Whatever form it takes, knowledge is essential for success. It gives you the ability to learn from your mistakes, find new opportunities, and make better decisions.

With knowledge, you have the power to change your life for the better. So never stop learning, and never underestimate the importance of knowledge. Success awaits those who seek it out.

Bonus – 7 Pillars Of Success For Women

  • Family
  • Relationships
  • Being of service
  • Purpose
  • Health and wellness
  • Connection with a higher power
  • Lifestyle

Success has different pillars for men and women. For example, a woman’s success is often measured by her ability to have children and take care of them. On the other hand, a man’s success is often measured by his ability to provide for his family.

This is because women are biologically wired to want to have children and look after them. From an evolutionary standpoint, this makes sense. Women need to be able to have children to ensure the survival of the species. Men, on the other hand, need to be able to provide for their families to ensure the survival of their offspring.

As women get older, they often realise that having children and a family is what brings them a deep sense of purpose. Men often realise that they need to provide for their families to feel fulfilled. Success, then, is different for men and women because we are inherently different.


Although these days it is important for everyone to have a good work/life balance, men are still expected to be the breadwinners. This means that they need to focus on their careers and put in the extra hours to get ahead.

They also need to learn how to network and build powerful relationships. Family is still important to most men, but they may not have as much time for their spouses and children as they would like. Men need to find ways to bond with their families and create meaningful connections.

Lastly, men need to take care of their health. This includes physical, mental, and emotional health. Taking care of oneself can be difficult in a fast-paced world, but it is essential for success. Success is possible for everyone, but it requires hard work and dedication.
