6 Month Carnivore Diet For IBS

6 Month Carnivore Diet For IBS

Update on Carnivore diet:

I’ve written previously on whether I thought the carnivore diet could heal irritable bowel syndrome. After giving the diet a second go, I’ve stayed on it for about six months.

I found that my digestion improved but it wasn’t 100%. I experienced less bloating and my mood and energy were a lot more stable.

After chasing symptoms of leaky gut and IBS for years and trying every single diet and protocol I could think of, I decided to dig a bit deeper.

I booked an appt with the centre for digestive diseases in Sydney, these guys are meant to be the best in the country at solving digestive issues.

Long story short, they diagnosed me with IBS caused by a neurological disorder. They claimed that there was no cure and I would have to be on anti-depressants for the rest of my life.

Being a determined, knowledgeable person I knew this wasn’t true. And if it was I would explore every avenue beforehand.

One positive that came from this diagnosis is that it gave me a whole new area to focus and study on.

This has led me to researching nueroplasticity, neural retraining, the limbic system and the autonomic nervous system.

Here’s a great example of what’s possible through nueroplasticity:


Since heading down the avenue of healing my brain I’ve experienced some symptom relief, i’ve been taking laxatives for about 3-4 years now because I couldn’t go naturally but over the past few days, something has shifted in my body and I’ve been able to regulate stress, and control my autonomic nervous system better.

This has resulted in having number 2’s naturally!! It’s a massive achievement for me haha. I am cautiously optimistic but I feel like i’m on the mend!

This video is a testimonial from a course that I did recently, it has helped me get to a good place mentally and I still practice some exercises from the course daily. I recommend this course or something similar to start retraining the brain! https://retrainingthebrain.com/


On a side note I am still eating mostly carnivore so that would be high protein, high fat, and moderate carbs. For example I’ll regularly eat steak, lamb, beef suet, butter, organs, fruit, honey and a few other animal products.

I think the carnivore diet is the best for getting inflammation and any disease under control.

I recently tried introducing ‘normal’ foods and just didn’t feel that great. So I decided to go back to a modified carnivore diet like I mentioned before and haven’t noticed too many gastro issues.

My diet is constantly changing but I feel my best with an animal based diet.

Breakfast this morning:


In conclusion if you have a mystery illness or any illness I recommend looking to add nueroplasticity exercises into your daily routine and having a go at eating more animal products. Strict carnivore diet for people with advanced disease.

Ps don’t believe all the hype on the internet about animal products being bad for you, we evolved eating a mostly meat based diet, it’s what made our brains so large. As long as you stick to products such as lamb, beef, pastured eggs and raw dairy then you have nothing to worry about!

With love and kindness,

Alistair Rhind 🙂 
